Interim Report Project wise Impact Assessment of Completed Demonstrative Artificial Recharge Projects of XIth plan
Category |
Artificial Recharge |
State |
District |
Central |
Block |
Civil Lines Karol Bagh Kotwali |
Year of Issue |
2016 |
Number of Authors |
3 |
Name of Authors |
Dalel Singh, S. K. Juneja, P. Yadaiah |
Keywords |
Natural replenishment of ground water reservoir is slow and is unable to keep pace with theexcessive continued exploitation of ground water resources in various parts of the country. Thishas resulted in declining ground water levels and depleted ground water resources in largeareas of the country |
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The rainfall occurrence in the country is monsoon dependent and in large part of the countryrain fall is
limited to about three months period ranging from around 20 to 30 days. Thenatural recharge to ground
water reservoir is restricted to this period only. The artificialrecharge techniques aim at increasing the
recharge period in the post-monsoon season forabout 3 more months providing additional recharge. This
results in providing sustainability toground water development during the lean season.There is thus a
need to prepare a systematicimplementation plan for augmenting ground waterresources under various
hydrogeological situations. However specific emphasis needs to begiven in the areas where ground
water levels are declining and water scarcity is beingexperienced. In this report emphasis has been given
to the areas with declining trend and deepground water levels.