Focus AreaS

Focus Areas in Ground Water Sector
The following are the major issues in the ground water sector which need attention of planners, administrators and stakeholders:

  • Over-exploitation of ground water resources 
  • Sub-optimal utilization of Ground Water Resources 
  • Ground water quality & contamination
  • Impact of climate change
  • Site-specific availability of ground water in hard rock areas 
  • Development of springs in Hilly terrain
  • Ground water management in coastal areas
  • Water logging and salinity problems
  • Managed aquifer recharge specific to agro climatic zones and hydrogeologic framework
  • Participatory groundwater management
  • Energization and Pricing Policy in Irrigation Sector
  • Ownership and sectoral allocation of ground water
  • Infrastructure development and Capacity building in ground water sector
  • Research and development studies on various aspects of ground water management.