State Profile
Ground Water Scenario of Telangana
Area (Sq. km) |
115150 |
Physiography |
Deccan Plateau |
Drainage |
The State is drained by two major perennial rivers viz. Godavari and Krishna with several other rivers of lesser significance |
Irrigation |
Out of gross irrigated area of 29,98,798 Ha, area irrigated by ground water is 21,10,959 Ha ( 70.4%) surface water is 8,09,111 Ha ( 27%). |
Rainfall |
Varies from 732 mm in Mahabubnagar district to 1121 mm in Adilabad district. It increases from less than 800 mm in south-west part of the state to more than 1200 mm in north and north-east part of the state. The mean annual rainfall of the state is 923 mm of which southwest monsoon season (June-September) contributes about 80% of the annual rainfall and northeast monsoon season contributes 13% of the annual rainfall. |
Total Districts / Mandals |
10 Districts / 464 Mandals |
Telangana is characterized by various geological formations ranging in age from Archaean to Recent. Nearly 80 percent of the State is underlain by hard rock formations consisting of granites, gneisses, metamorphics and intrusives (Archaeans), Precambrian quartzites, shales and limestones (Cuddapahs & Kurnools), Mesozoic Deccan Trap basalts etc., while the remaining area is underlain by Gondwana sedimentaries and Sub Recent-Recent alluvium. The occurrence and movement of ground water in hard rocks is chiefly controlled by thickness of weathering and structural features like fractures and solution cavities. In general, the depth of weathering varies from 5 to 20 m and occassionally upto 40 m. Ground water is mostly developed by means of shallow-deep bore wells ranging in depth down to 100 m, occasionally even beyond 100 m with discharges generally ranging from 2-5 lps. The semi-consolidated formations of Gondwanas comprising sandstones, shales, siltstones, conglomerates form thick and multi aquifer systems under confining conditions. The aquifers are often prolific with discharges varying upto as high as 48 lps.
Dynamic Ground Water Resources (2011) |
Annual Replenishable Ground water Resources |
15.10 BCM |
Net Annual Ground Water Availability |
13.68 BCM |
Annual Ground Water Draft |
7.50 BCM |
Stage of Ground Water Development |
55 % |
Ground Water Development & Management |
Over Exploited |
42 Mandals |
Critical |
8 Mandals |
Semi- critical |
55 Mandals |
Artificial Recharge to Ground Water
Ground Water Quality Problems |
Contaminants |
Districts affected (in part) |
Salinity (EC > 3000 µS/cm at 25 ° C) |
Adilabad, , Karimnagar, Khammam, Medak, Mahabubnagar, Nalgonda,Nizamabad, Warangal |
Fluoride (>1.5 mg/l) |
Adilabad, Hyderabad, Karimnagar, Khammam, Mahabubnagar, Medak, Nalgonda, Rangareddy, Warangal |
Iron (>1.0 mg/l) |
Adilabad, Hyderabad, Karimnagar, Mahabubnagar, Medak, Nalgonda, Nizamabad, Ranga Reddy |
Nitrate (>45 mg/l) |
All the districts of the state. |
Central Ground Water Authority
Areas Notified for Regulation of ground water development |